12 August 2010

I just fell a little bit more in love with Chipotle

Chipotle, how do I love thee, let me count the ways. I never have to stand in line for 45 minutes at your downtown SF location because I can just order online and pick up my treats at your pick-up window. You have Coke Zero on the fountain. Bless you. And you have a super kick-ass and geeky marketing campaign. The woman picking up food before me received a large bag with this printed on the side:
    My first thought was 'This has to be a major design eff-up, right? Like, some severely retarded marketing team thought Lorem Ipsum was the translation of some clever ad campaign and just ran with it.'
    But nay. According to Chipotle Spokesman, Chris Arnold:
    "It's not an accident, no," says Arnold. "It's sort of an inside joke. That block of copy is standard issue for people in advertising and design. We thought it would be funny to leave it in and see what sort of reaction it drew."
    Evidently I am not alone in my supposition that all went awry in the production department at my favorite foil-wrapped burrito establishment. So either Arnold is genius for covering up the mistake in a coy and fun way, or Chipotle is staffed with a bunch of lit geeks who know how to get people talking about their campaign. Case in point. Either way, I like.

    Posted via email from technosocialite

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